Archive | May, 2013

A Peruvian Staple — Lomo Saltado (a.k.a. “Jumping Beef”)

10 May

I was torn as I sat down to finally write this blog post: Should I begin writing as if two months hadn’t past since my last post? Should I offer an apology and explanation for why it hasn’t been updated recently?  And if it was option #2, what exactly to say?  Honestly, I haven’t written mainly because I haven’t been inspired.  Before I started blogging, I never realized how much time actually goes into writing an (ideally) interesting and insightful post.  It’s enough effort that when you stop doing it, when you get out of the habit, it’s hard to start up again.  (Incidentally, the same thing happened with my gym membership.  It took the closure of the gym to finally force the choice between going again on a regular basis or actually admitting defeat and cancelling my membership.  And I can’t really claim credit for acting—it was entirely out of my control.)

But, unlike my efforts at self-improvement, I wasn’t going to give up on this blog so easily.  I especially wasn’t going to give up when there have been so many good things coming out of my kitchen over the past few months.  There’s enough built up content that deciding where to begin again has been difficult. I’ve finally settled on an international favorite of both mine and Tania’s: the Peruvian dish known as lomo saltado.

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