Archive | September, 2013

The Twin Cities — Vacationing Up North, Vol. 2

30 Sep

Ok then.  Welcome back to part two of two about our trip this summer to the Twin Cities.  Wait.  You DID read part one of two, right?  If not, you can catch up here.  After all, you wouldn’t want to miss out now would you? WOULD YOU? And whatever else, I hope you’re not getting tired of reading about What I Did On My Summer Vacation.


A little ways across town from where we were staying in Minneapolis sat Parka.  A relatively new restaurant (it opened just this year I believe), Parka occupies a corner of a home furnishings store.  Perhaps it was because it was so new, but Parka almost didn’t make it onto our radar.  All of the credit for finding out about Parka goes to Tania.  I’m not sure how or why she found it, but all I can say is that I’m glad she did.  So also is she.  I’m pretty sure Parka was her hands-down favorite place we ate the entire time we were on vacation.

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The Twin Cities — Vacationing Up North

29 Sep

Life having settled back into some semblance of routine and normalcy, I’ve finally managed to get around to some important and oft-neglected tasks.  No ordinary tasks these, they’re the type that are intimidating to begin with and only get more so the longer you delay.  Things like reading a three-month-old and growing stack of New York Times magazines, rectifying my embarrassing ignorance of most things Guided By Voices by finally wading into the band’s massive (official) discography and, most relevant to this post, finally updating this blog with some of the growing backlog of things I have to write about.

Jumping in with both feet, I will attempt to tell the tale of my (and Tania’s) summer vacation.  Long before becoming an Ohioan, Tania lived up north in the Twin Cities.  And for as long as I’ve known her, I’ve heard about how great Minneapolis is (also: the Minnesota State Fair).  So, this year it was time to put those claims to the test.  We made plans for a road trip, with the added benefit of being able to stop and see lots of friends of mine from college. (Hi Adam, Kjerstin, Pat, Kate, Marty, Anna, and HBC!)

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