Tag Archives: BBQ sauce

A Flavor of Cincinnati — Grip a Grip of Grippos

9 Jun

Those who know me know that when it comes to Ohio cities, I’m a committed Columbus partisan.  For the longest time I considered Ohio’s oldline cities—especially the “C” denominated ones—to be well past their prime.  Regionally biased much? Perhaps.  But unabashedly so at least.

I must admit however, after several years of being prevailed upon by transplants to Columbus from some of those more far flung regions, that perhaps, perhaps, our fine capital city could learn a thing or two from those others to the north and south of us.  Would I say that I was wrong? Of course not. Never.  But, I will say without hesitation that Cleveland’s West Side Market is by far the best public market in Ohio.  And, I will, if a little more begrudgingly, say nice things about Cincinnati as well.

For example: Grippo’s potato chips are kind of awesome.  In the, if you open a bag for a snack you may mysteriously find that you’re holding an empty bag and are now covered in crumbs with no memory of the intervening 45 minutes, kind of way.  And there may or may not be an accompanying hit to your self-esteem to boot.

So yeah.  If I was listing “good” things about Cincinnati, Grippo’s would definitely be on that list.

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